Monday, July 15, 2013

The Purge

At first I thought this was a scary movie but I took a chance and watched it against my better glad I did. First, I have this weird obsession for Ethan Hawke; don’t ask, I don’t know why, it’s just there. I’m pretty sure it started from “Training Day” but that’s beside the point.

I found this movie to have such an innovative concept. The idea of having once day a year where there are no laws and no one can be punished it almost a good idea. As they put it, it’s a day for people to get out their aggression that they bottle up all year. By supporting the purge, you lay blue flowers outside your home even if you don’t participate.

The only thing that made me upset was the kid in the movie. I’m not giving anything away because it’s in the previews. He lets a person in the house who was being hunted in the purge.... not smart kid! I’m sorry but I would have to beat that child (in reality). I know if the kid didn't let the man inside the house, none of their lives would be in danger and then there would be no plot line.

Speaking of the plot line, I felt there were some unnecessary scary elements. I feel like the suspense alone was enough to have you on the edge of your seat without the scary movie effects. This would definitely be categorized as a thriller because of it revolves around killing, threats, and all takes place at night. Anyone knows all bad and scary things happen at night. One would have to be a true B.A. to make be a scary movie during the day time where people can get killed in public, but once again I digress. I would recommend this to my thrill seekers or those who want a change in pace especially as the first movie that broke the record for Fast Furious 6 after three weeks.

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