Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Scream 4


Slashing teenagers, sneaking around, and breaking all the rules...Scream 4 lives up to its epic name. The first Scream was new, original, and gory but as the sequels carried on they did not seem to get any better. As Scream 4 comes out the opener finds a way to make fun of its self and sike the audience out twice so when the real blood fest begins, viewers are not sure if it’s the actual plot line beginning or movies within the movie.

Emma Roberts shocked the heck out of me when I saw she had the balls to be the killer. “Sick is the new sane.” You so got that right! I totally guessed the wrong killer but I should have know it had to be someone who was connected in a way to everyone in the story and not just the adults or high school kids. Even though when Emma and her movie boyfriend were planning to stab each other to make themselves look like the victims, there was no originality in that. It was perfectly taken from the first Scream. Emma said herself “It was never about being like you [Sidney], it was about becoming you.....so I could stay true to the original” She meant every word: having a ratty boyfriend, killing her mother off, and being the star victim in a small town killing spree.

Rather than make the movie a sequel, it seemed more like a remake from the original. In my opinion I enjoyed the Scream 4 script basically making fun of itself and saying out loud the obvious cliché scary movie tactics, it made it more enjoyable to watch and I got a good laugh a few times. I love how the writer had the characters talk about what the audience was thinking. It goes back to the 1960’s French New Wave cinema era where part of their style was reminding the audience they were watching a movie. Of course, there were other techniques that made that era famous but having actors look directly at the cameras, mentioning something about film production, or stating the obvious subtext in the dialogue is a way of reminding the viewers they’re watching a film. Subtext is nice and intellectual but I love when things are blunt and straight out.

Even when Emma goes on a rant about, we’re all on the internet, we’re all in public, how do you think anyone becomes famous anymore? And that is such a true statement about the culture we live in today. How long do you think it will be until someone watches this movie and imitates and movie imitating a movie killer? Everybody wants fame somehow and some will go to any lengths to get it even if that means setting up a multiple murders mocked from an obvious movie.

“New movie, new franchise, so Sidney, you have to die.” I’m in love with this script; taking the words right out of the audience’s minds and mouths. How many people were thinking...isn’t it about time Sidney was killed? Why is she the only female who can find a way to continue to live and outlast each killer?
Emma Roberts’ character planned that ending so beautiful. It was twisted, poetic, and brilliant. She didn’t flake and she knew exactly what she had to do to convince the authorities.

 Just when you think it’s about to end.... Sidney hangs on for dear life and lives through her stab wounds to where her psycho cousin has to attempt to killer her again at the hospital. “The ending of the movie was supposed to be at the house,” I thought so too but then Sidney sates, “it’s an alternate ending...Jill you’re never gonna get out of this.” True or false? How do you think its going to end?

Scream 4 may have been gory and such a typical slasher movie but it points out every a single cliché move through words. I am a sucker for words, dialogue, and scripts. Obviously I enjoy writing first then mise-en-scene (setting and background) details [like Tim Burton films]. The dialogue is brilliant and I absolutely love it. So yes...Scream 4 lives up to its epic hype because it was a critical masterpiece.

Excuse my French but it’s a direct quote....
“You forgot the first rule of remakes Jill...don’t fuck with the original.” –Sidney Prescott

1 comment:

  1. Emma Roberts is sooo sexy as a psychopath!!!!


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