Wednesday, December 15, 2010


One word....BURLESQUE!

The sexiest musical of the year and definitely the sexiest musical I have ever seen. Of course, the story starts out with s small town girl who has big dreams; she saves enough money to go to the big city. Honestly, tell me how many movies don’t start like that. But, in this musical, we do get a tease of Christina’s miraculous voice within the first five minutes. After that, they make you wait until the story picks up.

I am a musical fanatic and I have to say that personally this movie gave me [good] chills. It was like the first time I watched Fame and Dreamgirls in theaters: the music fills the room with upbeat or slow seductive songs, and the performances are so entertaining and dazzling that you feel like you are in the audience live. The musical was phenomenal; I don’t think I sat still one minute. I also found the music inspiring. The beats were upbeat and they made you feel free, sexy, and powerful. It gave you the feeling of wanting to jump on stage and control the room with your talent. After several big performances, I was the weirdo clapping in the theater because I was in love...with Burlesque.

The one song that completely grabbed me in the beginning was “Diamonds” by Marilyn Monroe. I absolutely love that song, love Marilyn, and Madonna’s adaptation with “Material Girl.” After writing a paper on the “Diamonds” song from Gentlemen Prefer Blondes (1953), I have a new found respect and love for that song now more than ever. I was super excited when they played the original version with Monroe and no surprise, I started singing to the music.

I have to say I was never a Cher fan and this movie really hasn’t changed that decision but I have to give her major props on her song “Last of Me.” Her first song “Welcome to Burlesque” was good but I do not like the sound of her voice but when she did “Last of Me,” I really felt her anguish and pain.

On the other hand, I have always loved Christina Aguilera’s voice. Ever since “Genie in a Bottle” I have been obsessed with her soulful voice. She plays the very innocent look with the blonde hair and soft spoken voice but when she opens her mouth to sing and bells out a note, that when you tell people to close their mouths because they are drooling.

 As a movie standing on its own two feet, it would probably get a rating of two or three for its cliché plot line. It may get three for the full cast of Hollywooders; I knew almost every person who had a speaking part. As a musical, this movie gets a solid four and a half stars. I do take away half because the storyline was predictable but it was fabulous music and entertaining shows. I love Burlesque and I would highly recommend this movie to anyone especially my musical and show tune lovers.

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